SEBI vide circular no. SEBI circular No. MIRSD/SE/Cir-19/2009 dated December 3, 2009, SEBI circular No. SEBI/HO/MIRSD/MIRSD2/CIR/P/2016/95 date September 26, 2016, SEBI circular No. SEBI/HO/MIRSD/DOP/P/CIR/2021/577 dated June 16, 2021 has issued wherein specified quarterly/ monthly settlement of running accounts of clients with a new set of compliances for stock brokers to in still greater transparency and discipline in the dealings between the clients and the stock brokers.
As per latest SEBI circular SEBI/HO/MIRSD/DOP/P/CIR/2022/101 dated July 27, 2022, effective from Oct 2022 to Dec 2022 quarter.
The running account of funds shall be settled on the first Friday of October 2022, January 2023, April 2023, July 2023, and so on for all the clients. If the first Friday is a trading holiday, then such settlement shall happen on the previous trading day. However, funds are transferred back to the primary bank account once a month if the client is inactive for 30 calendar days. It will reflect in the funds statement.
Funds lying in the broker's client account are to be cleared/transferred back to the client's bank account.
Protect investor funds from misuse or mishappening
All the Client of Ashlar Securities Pvt Ltd
Ashlar has obtained “Running Account Authorisation letter” wherein client specifically agrees to maintain his account on a running account basis i.e. monthly or quarterly settlement basis. Thereby, Ashlar has an obligation to done Actual settlement of fund & securities on their preference i.e. monthly or quarterly basis.
Ashlar conducts its business to ensure the obligations of actual fund & securities, as per SEBI, due to its client’s in routine course of business in a timely manner. The Policy laid down appropriate procedures to settle the obligation of funds and securities of the client on a timely basis as mandated by the client to establish highest standards of ethical and market practice.
As per new SEBI circular SEBI/HO/MIRSD/DOP/P/CIR/2022/101, effective from Oct 2022 to Dec 2022 quarter.
Settlement of funds is done keeping in view the following points:-
In the above settlement Ashlar will settle the fund considering across the segments and across the stock exchange for its clients.
Settlement of securities is done keeping in view of the following points:-
In the above settlement Ashlar will settle the securities considering across the segments and across stock exchange for its clients.
Ashlar will send settlement of accounts for funds & securities along with mentioning retention of funds & securities to the clients just after doing actual quarterly settlement of account.
In case a client has not traded during the quarter / month and the trading member does not hold any funds or securities for the client at any point of time during the quarter / month for which settlement needs to be done, then the member may not issue statement of account to the client.
No inter client adjustment can be done for the purpose of settling client accounts.
RISK MANAGEMENT AND SURVEILLANCE POLICY A Risk Management & Surveillance is integral to an efficient risk system. We have put in place a comprehensive risk management system, which is constantly upgraded as per the Exchanges, SEBI & PMLA norms and also as per market movement.
In accordance with BSE Notice No 20130307-21 dated March 07, 2013, NSE Circular No NSE/INVG/22908 dated March 07, 2013 and MCX-SX Circular No. MCX-SX/ID/1053/2013 dated March 08, 2013 trading members are required to frame surveillance policy for handling effective monitoring of trading activity of client. The company has laid down policy guidelines which have been framed in the light of above said circular, we are adopting and implementing this surveillance policy applicable to all clients of Ashlar Securities Pvt Ltd.
The policy has been approved by its Board of Directors in Board Meeting held on 18/04/2013 at the Registered Office of the company.
Surveillance is the Process of collecting and analyzing information concerning markets in order to detect unfair transactions that may violate securities related laws, rules and regulations. In order to ensure investor protection and to safeguard the integrity of the markets. It is imperative to have in place an effective market surveillance mechanism. The main objective of surveillance function is to help maintain a fair and efficient market for securities.
Duties and Responsibilities
This Surveillance policy is approved by the Board of Directors of Ashlar Securities Pvt Ltd and A quarterly MIS shall be put up to the Board on the number of alerts pending at the beginning of the quarter, generated during the quarter, disposed off during the quarter and pending at the end of the quarter. Further, reasons for pendency along with appropriate action taken to resolve them shall be discussed. Board shall be apprised of any exception noticed during the disposition of alerts.
Designated directors/ Compliance officer shall be the responsible for all surveillance activities carried out by Ashlar Securities Pvt Ltd, maintenance of record and reporting of such activities.
Internal auditor of Ashlar Securities Pvt Ltd shall review the surveillance policy, its implementation, effectiveness and the alerts generated during the period of audit. Internal auditor shall record the observation with respect to the same in their report.
In order to facilitate effective surveillance mechanisms, Ashlar Securities Pvt Ltd surveillance desk shall download Transactional alerts to effectively monitor the trading activity of Client(s) provided by the exchange.
Types of Transactional Alerts provided by Exchange are as follow:
Sr. No. | Transaction Alerts | Segment |
1 | Significantly increase in client activity | Cash |
2 | Sudden trading activity in dormant account | Cash |
3 | Clients/Group of Client(s), deal in common scrips | Cash |
4 | Client(s)/Group of Client(s) is concentrated in a few illiquid scrips | Cash |
5 | Client(s)/Group of Client(s) dealing in scrip in minimum lot size | Cash |
6 | Client / Group of Client(s) Concentration in a scrip | Cash |
7 | Circular Trading | Cash |
8 | Pump and Dump | Cash |
9 | Wash Sales | Cash & Derivatives |
10 | Reversal of Trades | Cash & Derivatives |
11 | Front Running | Cash |
12 | Concentrated position in the Open Interest / High Turnover concentration | Derivatives |
13 | Order book spoofing i.e. large orders away from | Cash |
Suspicious /Manipulative activity identification and reporting process include gathering of client activity, seeking documentary evidences of required, monitoring the trading activates, record maintenance and reporting.
Ashlar Securities Pvt Ltd shall carry out the Due Diligence of client(s) on a continuous basis and shall update all the KYC parameters as prescribed by SEBI and latest information of the client in Unique Client Code (UCC) database of the Exchange.
Client’s/ Group of Client(s) trading pattern or activity or scrips identified shall be analysed based on Alert received /generated through exchanges system.
Client Name :
Client Address :
Sub.: Alert received from (Exchange Name) in respect of your trading during the period from _________ to _________.
Dear Sir,
With reference to above, please note that we have received following alert form the exchange in respect of your trading activity during the period from___________ to _______________.
In this regard you are requested to clarify the following:
Further you are requested to provide self-attested copy of Bank Account Statement and Demat Account Transaction Statement for the period from __________ to ____________ along with any other relevant document within seven days from the date of this letter.
Please note that your failure to submit reasonable explanation and required documentary evidence within above said time may lead to suspension of trading facility in your account.
The Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002 (PMLA) came in force with effect from 1st July 2005.
As per the provisions of the PMLA, each market intermediary (Reporting Entity) (which includes a stockbroker, sub-broker, share transfer agent, banker to an issue, trustee to a trust deed, registrar to an issue, asset management company, depositary participant, merchant banker, underwriter, portfolio manager, investment adviser and any other intermediary associated with the securities market and registered under Section 12 of the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992 (SEBI Act) shall have to adhere to client account opening procedures and maintain records of such “transactions” as prescribed by the PMLA and Rules notified there under.
We at Ashlar Securities Private Limited endeavour to address all complaints regarding service deficiencies or causes for grievance, for whatever reason, in a reasonable time and manner. We realize that quick and effective handling and resolution of client’s/ Investor’s grievance is essential to provide excellent client service.
To achieve this, our company has clearly documented policy for redressal of investor grievances. Through this policy, our company shall ensure that a suitable mechanism exists for receiving and addressing complaints from our clients/investors with specific emphasis on resolving such grievances fairly and expediously.
In accordance with SEBI circular no. SEBI Circular SEBI/HO/MIRSD/DOP/P/CIR/2021/676 dated December 02, 2021, SEBI master circular SEBI/HO/OIAE/IGRD/P/CIR/2022/0150 dated November 07, 2022 and other relevant circular of Exchanges. The Company, has laid down policy guideline which have been framed in the light of above circular, we are adopting and implementing this Investor grievance handling policy to all clients of Ashlar Securities Pvt Ltd to effectively redress the grievances of the investors in a timely manner and facilitate investor awareness.
This Policy applies to all employees, paid interns, contractors, part-time, full-time employees including Authorised Persons.
The objective of the Policy is to promote and build prompt Investor Grievance redressal mechanism and investor friendly relations. The Policy thus recognises the investors’ right to always have a contact address available to enable them to query or record a grievance. This also enables the Company use investors’ views as a feedback mechanism.
This policy seeks to ensure that
Grievance, if any that may arise shall be resolved in a proper and time bound manner with detailed advice to the client/investor. In case the resolution needs time, an interim response acknowledging the grievance/complaint shall be issued.
The Compliance Officer shall give quarterly report of the client’s grievance to the Directors of the company with complete details as Name and code of the client, Nature of Complaint, Date of receipt of the complaint and status of resolving the same. For grievances remaining unresolved for a period of more than 15 days from the date of receipt, the Compliance officer shall provide a justification to the Directors.
The Compliance officer shall maintain proper records of all grievances received and resolved.
All personnel/employees at the customer facing channels and other support departments will be periodically trained in handling of client’s complaints.
The Grievance Redress Mechanism with updated contact details and email ID shall be provided to the Clients and uploaded on the Company’s website.
The Company has an established mechanism for investor service and grievance handling, with ASHLAR and the Compliance Officer appointed by the Company for this purpose, being the important functional nodes.
Some of the key steps undertaken by the Company for handling Investor Grievances are enumerated as follows:
A copy of the policy shall be made available to all the relevant staff, dealers branch in-charge, authorise person compliance officer and other stakeholder persons for their information and any change should be communicated to them.
Ashlar Securities Pvt Ltd (ASHLAR) is committed to providing effective and prompt service to its investors. ASHLAR has in place, a designated e-mail address i.e. for assistance and/or grievance redressal and is closely monitored by the Compliance Officer.
The escalation matrix for complaints relating to the Investors of ASHLAR is as provided below:
Details of | Contact Person | Contact No. | Address | Email Id | Working Hours |
Customer Care | - | 0120-6633 231 | A-38, Sector-67, Noida-201301,U.P. | | 9:00AM TO 5:00PM (Monday to Friday) |
Head of Customer Care | - | 0120-6633 205 | | ||
Compliance Officer | - | 0120-6633 229 | | ||
- | 0120-6633 229/225 | | |||
Chief Operational Officer (COO) | - | 0120-6633 299 | |